Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Possibilities

"There are always plenty of possibilities, with new ones being born every moment. On a regular basis, pick a new possibility and explore it fully. Turn down a road you've never traveled before, and find out what's there. Be curious, and let your curiosity lead you in the direction of new discoveries.

Step out of your comfort zone once each week and create over 50 additional opportunities for excitement, challenge and possibility each year. What a great goal or resolution!

Inject some fresh, new experiences into your life. Challenge yourself and add richness to your life by stepping outside your regular routine. Surprise your senses with things you've never experienced before. Wake up your spirit by uncovering previously hidden treasures in your world.

The good things in your life are yours now because there was a time when you chose to find them. Explore some new possibilities, and there is much new value you can find."

See Things As They Could Be

“Imagination is seeing things, not as they are, but as they could be. Think about it: Everything that has ever been invented in the history of the world began as an idea in one person’s mind.” ~Mac Anderson

How is your imagination? Really? Are you using it the way it was intended or are you using it the way you were taught?

How often do you allow yourself to think of the way that things could be? As opposed to the way they are now? Do you let that happen or are you too 'realistic?' I once heard Zig Ziglar say that "a realist is really a pessimist in disguise." Think about that. How many times have you had a great or even zany idea and someone close to you said "be realistic" thereby shutting your idea down without a thought...

As we talked about yesterday, everything began as an idea in someone's head. It first needs to be created in our mind before it can be created in the external world.

Tonight as you write out your New Year's Resolutions try seeing things as they could be, not as they are. I think you'll find that seeing things as they could be gives you new insight into who you are and who you could become.

“Imagination is seeing things, not as they are, but as they could be. Think about it: Everything that has ever been invented in the history of the world began as an idea in one person’s mind.”

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Start At The End

“’Begin with the end in mind’ is based on the principle that all things are created twice. There’s a mental or first creation and a physical or second creation to all things.”~Stephen Covey

Do you realize this and understand this? Do you think this way?

As we are coming to the end of this year and we are looking forward to next year, start out 2010 by beginning with the end in mind. 'How do you do that,' you ask. Glad you asked. Take the time to envision yourself coming to the end of 2010 and you were able to do everything that you planned to do this year. What would that feel like? Where would you be? What would you be doing to celebrate your successes?

Stay in the moment and write everything that you are feeling and experiencing down as this will become part of the process. How are you different from last year? How are you the same? What new habits have you developed? What old habits did you drop? Who are you hanging around with? What are you reading?

The more you "begin with the end in mind," the more the physical creation creates it. Start using that incredible super-computer that you have called a brain. You'll be shocked at what it can do for you.

“’Begin with the end in mind’ is based on the principle that all things are created twice. There’s a mental or first creation and a physical or second creation to all things.”

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Reaction or Response?

“A life of reaction is a life of slavery, intellectually and spiritually. One must fight for a life of action, not reaction.”~Rita Mae Brown

Do you react to life or respond to life? Really? Have you thought about it before? We have been so programmed to respond that it takes a big change to respond rather than react.

What is your first thought when someone cuts you off in traffic? Is it to bless them? Is it to curse them? Is it to understand that they are more important than you are so they can do that? (that's my favorite)

What is the difference between reacting and responding? Good question! Reacting is when you don't even think about what you are doing, you just do it. Responding is taking a pause, thinking about the appropriate response and then responding.

Stimulus - Pause - Response. Stimulus - Pause - Response.

Try it today and see if you day goes any better...

“A life of reaction is a life of slavery, intellectually and spiritually. One must fight for a life of action, not reaction.”

Monday, December 28, 2009

Stop. Look. Listen.

“Just stop it. Seriously. Whatever it is. Just stop it. If only for an hour, a day, a week. Stop doing it long enough to get a glimpse of what the change would actually look like.”- mary anne radmacher

Are you able to stop what you are doing to notice what change would look like or are you so busy with life that you can't or won't...

Change is the only thing that is constant but yet we fight against it with all our might and what happens? Change still happens, but it is the change we didn't want rather than the change that we really wanted.

What would happen if you were to stop long enough to get a glimpse of what that change would mean? Would you be able to make a better decision about the change, would you still want to make the change or would you run to make the change?

If you are not changing, you are stagnating and when you stagnate, you are moving in the wrong direction. We should always move forward or at least when we take 1 step back, we are able to take 2 steps forward.

What needs to change in your life, your business, in you?
Stop doing what it is that you are doing and see what change would look like.

“Just stop it. Seriously. Whatever it is. Just stop it. If only for an hour, a day, a week. Stop doing it long enough to get a glimpse of what the change would actually look like.”

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Appreciate Today - This Day

“Appreciate again and again, freshly and naively, the basic good of life, with awe, pleasure, wonder and even excitement, however stale these experiences may have become to others.”~Abraham Maslow

Do you appreciate the basic good of life? With awe, pleasure and wonder? Really, or are you more caught up in the day-to-day life that only allows you to see the challenges? In our 'microwave society' it seems to always be about the next thing that we have to have or our life won't be complete with out...

Paul Coelho said "You can become blind by seeing each day as a similar one
. Each day is a different one, each day brings a miracle of its own. It's just a matter of paying attention to this miracle." Are you paying attention to the daily miracle in front of you? Do you see it? It might be a new flower, a new friend, a new opportunity to serve others...

Realize that good is present in your life right now and more will be added to you. We have become a society of whiners, complainers and generally grumpy people because we don't see everything as a miracle.

“Appreciate again and again, freshly and naively, the basic good of life, with awe, pleasure, wonder and even excitement, however stale these experiences may have become to others.”

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Your Dreams

"The moment of enlightenment is when a person's dreams of possibilities become images of probabilities"~Vic Braden

What are your dreams? Do you allow them to grow or do you stomp them down so you don't really have to think about them? Do you think about them hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly? Do you do more than think about them? Do you do an action that brings them one step closer to probability?

Most people will say, "Sure, I have dreams. They are over there, in the 3rd drawer of my desk." That's not having a dream, that's really not even having a wish, because you aren't working towards it at all. That's just having one to say that you have one...

What is keeping you from going after your dream? Fear? Money? Family? Why are you not going after your dream? If you think about all the reasons you are not going after your dream, do any of them really hold water? You may be convincing yourself that that they are valid but isn't that just another story you're telling that you don't have to really reach for them???

Forget 'enlightenment.' When your dreams of possibilities become images of possibilities, how do you feel? I'm sure you've felt that way before. It feels GREAT! It makes you feel that you can do anything. Remember that feeling.

"The moment of enlightenment is when a person's dreams of possibilities become images of probabilities"

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Secret Of Your Future

"The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine."~Mike Murdoch

How does your routine change? Or does it always go a certain way and you are just hoping for different results? Einstein called that insanity.

If you future is hidden in our daily routine, how would you change yours? What would you stop doing and what would you do instead? Why? Oh, you realize that what you're doing isnt working, but just haven't changed it yet...hmmm. Why?

You know that you want to achieve more but you just can't put your finger on what to do...

Start with analyzing your daily routine. See what you are doing that no longer serves any purpose for you and replace it with something that does serve you. The more things you do that serve you, the better chance you will have of creating the future that you want.

Maybe it's something as simple as making coffee at home instead of paying $5 bucks for Starbucks, or maybe it something as difficult as getting up and hour earlier to work out or take a walk. Maybe it's something as difficult as not eating those donuts or maybe it's something as easy as spending an hour reading more things about how to improve your networking...(maybe those should be turned around...).

Analyze your daily routine and make sure that everything you do is serving you. Not anyone else, but you.

"The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine."

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


“I cannot say whether things will get better if we change; what I can say is that they must change if they are to get better.”~Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

We don't know what change will bring, but we know that without change, they will remain the same, they won't get better but they could get worse.

You do realize that don't you? If you are not moving forward you are falling behind. If you are not growing, you are shrinking...(now this would be a great diet, but it doesn't work that way).

Things MUST change if you are to continue to grow. What happens when most people retire? They stop doing things, then they feel really old and stop doing more things, and then they die.

We were meant to grow, always grow. When we stop growing, then we die, even if it's a little at a time. Look at nature, things grow without thinking, they just grow until they die. We need to grow like nature.

“I cannot say whether things will get better if we change; what I can say is that they must change if they are to get better.”

Monday, December 21, 2009

Your Expectations

“Our limitations and success will be based most often, on your own expectations for ourselves. What the mind dwells upon, the body acts upon.”~Denis Waitley

What are your expectations for your future? Are they good, bad, indifferent? Too often in life we just go from event to event without ever thinking about what our expectations are and what they should be.

If our limitations and success are based on our expectations, we better get them right, right away. What are your expectations for today? Will it be a good day? Did you get out of bed on the wrong side, so is it going to be a bad day, or have you not given it any thought at all and are just operating on cruise control?

What are your expectations for the new year? Are you expecting to have a great year or are you expecting to just get by, because of the economy. I sure hope that you are expecting to have a great new year, because then you will have one. By the same token, if you are just hoping to get by, then guess what...that's what you will get.

Think about your expectations today...Go ahead, take 5 minutes to create them. Good, now go and live them.

“Our limitations and success will be based most often, on your own expectations for ourselves. What the mind dwells upon, the body acts upon.”

Friday, December 18, 2009

Learned Optimism

“Learned optimism is not a rediscovery of the ‘power of positive thinking.’...Changing the destructive thing you say to yourself when you experience the setbacks that life deals all of us is the central skill of optimism.”~Martin Seligman

Have you learned optimism or are you just faking it. Learned optimism is the best thing that you could do for yourself and your self-talk. It is not just the power of positive thinking, it is much deeper than that.

Would you like to change the destructive things you say to yourself? Would you hang around a friend/person who talked to you the way you talk to yourself? Think about that for a minute...Would you? I used to until I realized that I didn't need that kind of self talk and I could change my habits of thinking.

The central skill of optimism (not polly-anna ish thoughts) is changing the destructive things we say to ourselves when things go wrong. Try it sometime and see the difference that it makes.

You can change the habit of your thinking, right now. Do it.

“Learned optimism is not a rediscovery of the ‘power of positive thinking.’...Changing the destructive thing you say to yourself when you experience the setbacks that life deals all of us is the central skill of optimism.”

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Your Habits of Thinking

“Habits of thinking need not be forever. One of the most significant findings in psychology in the last twenty years is that individuals can choose the way they think.”~Martin Seligman

Did you realize that? Habits of thinking need not be forever! How freeing is that statement? What new thought could you be thinking right now?

You can choose the way you think! You don't have to listen to the thoughts that are in your mind right now, unless you want to...If you choose to stay stuck in the negative thoughts that surround you, you can...but IT IS YOUR CHOICE!

Here's the challenge: 80% of the thoughts that we have today are the same thoughts that we had yesterday. That can be a little depressing until you realize that you can choose to think what you want to think, not just what comes into your mind! Of those repeat 80% of our thoughts, 85% of those are NEGATIVE! Wow, we are thinking the same thing day after day and most of the things that we are thinking are negative!!!

But there is a way out of this negative Merry-go-round. You can choose your thoughts. You can choose your thoughts. You can choose your thoughts. Choose new thoughts, NOW! You have the power! Choose.

“Habits of thinking need not be forever. One of the most significant findings in psychology in the last twenty years is that individuals can choose the way they think.”

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Danger and Opportunity

"Wherever there is danger, there lurks opportunity. Wherever there is opportunity, there lurks danger. The two are inseparable. They go together."~Earl Nightingale

Are you stuck looking at the danger instead of the opportunity? Or do you only see opportunity and not the danger?

It all depends on your perceptions. Because "the reality of life is that your perceptions - right or wrong - influence everything else you do." Do you realize that? Your perceptions influence everything else that you do...So what are your perceptions?

Have you ever examined them or do you just go about your day having them and reacting to them? If you have examined them, how often to you go back and examine them again? this needs to be a constant examination, but most of us prefer to just live life without thought or examination.

I can hear you saying, 'An examination was something we had to take in school, I'm done with that stuff.' If that's the case, then there will be no growth, no stretching beyond where you are now. You'll get to stay in your comfort zone and simply react to life rather than responding to life.

"Wherever there is danger, there lurks opportunity. Wherever there is opportunity, there lurks danger. The two are inseparable. They go together."

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What Are You Waiting For?

"Do not wait, the time will never be 'just right.' Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along."~Napoleon Hill

"Are you waiting for things to get better before taking action? The fact is that things will not get better until you go ahead and get yourself moving forward. The best time to start is always now. For no matter what the outside circumstances may be, the most effective strategy is to get your inner strength revved up and rolling right away.

As a recovering perfectionist, I was always waiting for things to be perfect.

My excuses for delaying were very reasonable and impressive, but those excuses didn't move me forward. Circumstances improved when I made the effort to improve them.
Even the smallest effort was much better than doing nothing. And small efforts that bring results motivated me to take bigger, more effective steps.

You know from your experiences that you can do what you set your mind to do. START NOW! STOP WAITING. THE TIME WILL NEVER BE JUST RIGHT!

"Do not wait, the time will never be 'just right.' Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along."~

Monday, December 14, 2009

Are You Dreaming or Wishing?

"Don't be afraid of the space between your dreams and your reality. If you can dream it you can make it happen."~Belva Davis

Are you afraid of that space? Is that what is holding you back? Afraid of the space between your dreams and your reality?

There's nothing to fear in that space. It's all just a story that you are telling yourself.

If you are dreaming it, you've already been given everything that you need to make it happen, did you realize that or are you still focused on the 'space?' Do you believe that you can create your reality? Really?

Do you believe in your dream or is it just a fantasy, a place where you can go and wish? Too many people who say they have dreams, just have wishes, never working on them, just wishing for them.

What is your dream? Start focusing on it now and take the first step toward attaining it. Without taking the steps to attain it, it's just a wish.

Are you dreaming or are you wishing?

"Don't be afraid of the space between your dreams and your reality. If you can dream it you can make it happen."

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Are You Reaching High?

"Reach high, for stars lay hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal."~Pamela Vaull Starr

Are you reaching high? Why not? Whats holding you back?

Fear? Don't let fear hold you back. Most people "live lives of quiet desperation." Is that you? Why? It doesn't have to be that way. What lays hidden in your soul? Take some time to look at your soul and see what's hidden there...It might surprise you! It might scare you! It might make you feel good about where you're at! But take a look, now.

Are you dreaming deep? Without the dream, no goal can be know that don't you? Some people don't realize this. They think that they can just have goals without the WHY behind them. You can try that, but then you will find that the goal has no power and you will think that goal setting is a waste of time.

What are the goals that you have for the coming new year? What? You haven't started to work on them yet? That's ok. START NOW! Start dreaming of what you want to make happen in the coming year and write it down. If you don't write your dream down, it's just a wish, you know that don't you? Write it down now in all of its detail. DO IT NOW!

"Reach high, for stars lay hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal."

Saturday, December 12, 2009


"There are high spots in all of our lives and most of them have come about through the encouragement of someone else. I don't care how great, how famous or how successful a person may be, each hungers for applause."~George M. Adams

Think about the 'high spots' in your life and the person who encouraged you to get there. Have you thanked them? Have you let them know the impact that they had in your life? Do you do this on a regular basis or just at certain times...or not at all?

A smile may only be a smile to you, but it may mean the world to someone else. Are you liberal with your smiles, or are you stingy with them...

Do you think about the effect that you have on others?

Tell someone the effect that they have had on your life. It might impact their life even more than they affected your life.

We are all looking for that applause, that encouragement, that recognition. Let them know.

"There are high spots in all of our lives and most of them have come about through the encouragement of someone else. I don't care how great, how famous or how successful a person may be, each hungers for applause."

Friday, December 11, 2009

Education - Jim Rohn

"Formal education will make you a living, self-education will make you a fortune."~Jim Rohn

We've all had some formal education, but how often are you educating yourself? Really??
Most people will say, 'oh, I learn all the time.' But are you really learning if you're making the same mistakes over and over? Or doing the same thing in your business every day and expecting different results?

What was the last seminar you went to? What was the last book you read? How often are you trying to learn more about your business or do you think that you know everything about your business and you just need to do it?

If you want to become a master at anything, you need to spend 5000 hours working on that thing. Not working IN that thing, but working ON it. If you sell a product, do you kow everything about that product? Really? If you sell a service, do you know every benefit that the service can provide?

Start working ON your business instaed of just in your business.

"Formal education will make you a living, self-education will make you a fortune."

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Silently Wondering - Jim Rohn

"The worst thing one can do is not to try, to know what one wants and not give in to it, to spend years in silent wondering if something could have materialized - never knowing."~Jim Rohn

How many ideas have you had that you never went after for "some reason???"

Everyday we get great ideas and then we talk ourselves out of doing them because of "some reason."

The 'some reason' is fear. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of change, fear of loss, fear of gain, fear of what other people will think...fear, fear fear. Why do we allow fear to control our lives? I wish I knew, but we sure let those fears dictate our lives.

We've all heard the acronym for FEAR: False, Evidence, Appearing, Real. But to us, we allow it to become real just by allowing it to cloud our mind. What do you do when you are confronted by those fears?

Think about all those ideas that were never pursued. The next time you get one of those ideas, don't allow 'SOME REASON' or FEAR dictate how you will proceed. Take the chance, break through the fear, find out so that you won't have to wonder for the rest of your life.

"The worst thing one can do is not to try, to know what one wants and not give in to it, to spend years in silent wondering if something could have materialized - never knowing."

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Planning - Jim Rohn

"I find it fascinating that most people plan their vacations with better care than they do their lives. Perhaps that is because escape is easier than change.”~Jim Rohn

How true is that statement? If you don't have a plan for your life, someone else will, and guess what? They really don't care about you!!

Most people spend more time planning their vacations than planning their work and personal life. Jim also said "You should never start your day until you've finished it on paper." I'm sure that he would allow for PDA's or mobile tech stuff as well. But the question is, 'How often to you start your day with no idea of what is in store for you?

I started planning my day the night before a long time ago and it's amazing how during sleep, answers and thoughts leading to issues that were to be faced that day would come to me. I don't know how it works, I just know that it works.

If you haven't started planning your days, what are you waiting for? Permission? I GIVE YOU PERMISSION!

"I find it fascinating that most people plan their vacations with better care than they do their lives. Perhaps that is because escape is easier than change.”

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Change - Jim Rohn

“I used to say ‘I sure hope that things will change.’ Then I learned that the only way things are going to change for me is when I change.”~Jim Rohn

Do you hear yourself saying 'I sure hope that things change for me?' I know that I have. And then I go back to this great quote from Jim and I realize that I'm in charge of changing me. No one else is going to come up to me and change me. It's up to me and it's my choice!

How have you changed this week? This month? This year? Have you changed? Have you grown or have you remained stagnant? How's that working for you?

How do you feel about change? Do you embrace it or do you fear it?

Most people say, 'Oh yea, I love change. I change all the time.' I hope that they are talking about more than their underwear, but sometimes it seems maybe that's all they are changing...

Winston Churchill said "We must take change by the hand or rest assuredly, change will take us by the throat." Are you taking change by the hand or does change have you by the throat? Think about that for a few minutes...

“I used to say ‘I sure hope that things will change.’ Then I learned that the only way things are going to change for me is when I change.”

Monday, December 7, 2009

Success And Failure - Jim Rohn

"Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines practiced every day, while failure is simply a few errors in judgment repeated every day."~Jim Rohn

What are your simple disciplines? Are you practicing them every day, or maybe just every other day?

Here's the thing; we each have our own simple disciplines! You just can't say do this and you will be successful. You have to find what works best for you and the only way to do that is to try and fail and realize that the failure was just an error in judgment, nothing more, nothing less.

We've been taught that it is wrong to fail, that failure is bad and we should never do it...

What a bunch of crap! Would we ever learned to walk if after the first time we tried and failed, we stopped because failure is bad??? What about learning to ride a bicycle? What about playing sports?

As usual, Jim Rohn was right:

"Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines practiced every day, while failure is simply a few errors in judgment repeated every day."

Jim Rohn, Thought Leader

With the passing of Jim Rohn this past Friday, the world lost one of its true "thought leaders."

He has influenced millions, notably Tony Robbins and me. This week my posts will be a tribute to the amazing way that his mind worked and how he thought about things.

Jim used to say at the end of every one of his programs this:

"I go with you in all experience we've had. But I promise you this as we leave here: I will not leave you behind. I'll take you with me in my thoughts and in my heart."

Wow, what a way to close an event! Jim Rohn hasn't left us behind. He's left behind a legacy of changed lives, improved lives and a whole generation that he influenced.

Jim, than you for making a difference.

Friday, December 4, 2009

What Makes You U-nique?

"Discover your Uniqueness and exploit it in the service of others, and you are guaranteed success, happiness and prosperity."~Larry Winget

What makes you U-nique? Not just different, but U-nique?
Think about it...

It's easy to be different. It's a whole other thing being U-nique. What makes you U-nique? Why are people attracted to you? Is it the way you think? Is it the way you talk? Is it the way you look? Why?

"You are Unique, just like everybody else." There is no one else like you, hasn't ever been, won't ever be. You are a U-nique creation! What makes you U-nique?

When you discover your U-niqueness and exploit it in the service of others, success is yours. How are you exploiting your U-niqueness in the service of others? Or are you just going through life without ever knowing your U-niqueness?

This may require some actual thinking...

"Discover your Uniqueness and exploit it in the service of others, and you are guaranteed success, happiness and prosperity."

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Will Your Fate Be High And Great?

"I do not know beneath what sky nor on what seas is thy fate. I only know it will be high, it will be great."~Richard Hovey

Are you living life to its full potential? Really?

Most people are living at 50-75% of their life's potential and thinking they are living it full out. Take a couple of minutes to think about it...

Here's the thing, if you only give life 75% effort today, you can't give 125% tomorrow to make up for it. You can't give more than 100% at any time.

So what are you giving life today? Imagine your life giving 95% every day...WOW, would that be a huge change! What more could you do if you gave your life that extra % every day instead of just coasting and drifting? How many more people could you serve? What more could you give to the world around you?

You don't have to be stuck only giving your life 50% effort. Start by giving just 1% more today and then another 1% more the next day. The gradual change in who you are and what you give to the world will allow you to keep improving to reach that 95% every day.

"I do not know beneath what sky nor on what seas is they fate. I only know it will be high, it will be great."

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Are You Enthusiastic?

"What is the difference between enthusiasm and motivation? Enthusiasm is the outward representation of motivation."~David Hepburn Jr

Are you enthusiastic? Daily? Why or why not?

There is real magic in enthusiasm. It spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment. Are you mediocre or are you accomplishing the goals you set for yourself? If you're not getting what you want, you might want to check your enthusiasm.

“Enthusiasm releases the drive to carry you over obstacles and adds significance to all you do.”
Feel stuck? Get the drive to help you out of that rut by adding enthusiasm to your life. Remember, a rut is just a coffin with the ends kicked out. Without motivation, you can't have enthusiasm. What are you motivated to do?

“Catch on fire with enthusiasm and people will come for miles to watch you burn.” Want to get noticed? Catch on fire with enthusiasm and people will flock to you.

"What is the difference between enthusiasm and motivation? Enthusiasm is the outward representation of motivation."

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What's Your Perception of the World?

"Only in quiet waters things mirror themselves undistorted. Only in a quiet mind is there an adequate perception of the world."-Hans Margolius

What are your perceptions of the world? Are they undistorted? Most likely not.

"The reality of life is that your perceptions -- right or wrong -- influence everything else you do. When you get a proper perspective of your perceptions, you may be surprised how many other things fall into place."

How do you get a proper perspective? You still your mind to allow yourself to see the reflection of the world, undistorted. The challenge that most of us face is that we can never get to that "stilled mind." We have too many other things running through there and we haven't learned to simply "Be Still."

What are our perceptions anyway? Are they truth or are they lies? How do you know? How often do you ask yourself why you have that perception of something or someone? Not often enough, we just go on thinking based on that perception, be it right or wrong.

"Only in quiet waters things mirror themselves undistorted. Only in a quiet mind is there an adequate perception of the world."

Monday, November 30, 2009

New Set Of Possibilities

"Somewhere out past where you're now comfortable, there's a pleasant surprise. Beyond what you already know you can do, there are exciting and fulfilling and new things you'll be able to do."

"It's a very short distance between what you think you can do and what you don't think you can do. That distance is the size of just one thought.

Once you decide that it is possible for you, it is possible for you. Once you have the thought that it can be done, it can be done.

The world you experience is contained within the world you expect to experience. Expect more, and suddenly a whole new set of possibilities will open up to you.

Ask yourself what you would like to be able to expect. Then go ahead and bring your expectations in line with your desires.

Each day is an opportunity to grow beyond yourself while at the same time more fully expressing your authentic self. Touch your highest vision, expect it to happen, and you'll surely see your way there."

"Somewhere out past where you're now comfortable, there's a pleasant surprise."

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Are You In A Hurry?

"Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished."~Lao Tzu

Why do we hurry? Especially during these times? Slow down, enjoy life.

Read the quote again...Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. Life has it's own rhythm, it's own time. It's called the Law of Gestation, and it just takes time. When you plant a garden or a cornfield in spring, you don't expect to reap the harvest until fall, right? You aren't expecting to eat that corn in the summer are you?

Sometimes we plant something and expect immediate usually doesn't work that way. When we try to speed things up, all we end up doing is creating stress for ourselves and others. If you are experiencing stress now, see if you created it by trying to hurry something or slow something down...everything has it's own time frame.

"Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished."

Saturday, November 28, 2009

What Have You Decided?

"The principle of life is that life responds by corresponding, Your life becomes the thing you have decided it should be."~Raymond Charles Barker

What have you decided your life should be? Did someone else decide for you, or did you decide for yourself? Think about that...Many people just became what their parents wanted or what some other person suggested would be good for you to do.

Did you really decide what your life should be? If not, IT'S NOT TOO LATE!

"It's never too late to become who you were meant to be."

Too many people are unhappy in their lives because they never decided what their life should be. If that's you, realize that you can change any time you want. It might not be easy, it might be real painful, but if you really want to, you can change your life, now.

Do you feel stuck? If you are content in your discontent, then you will never be able to make a change. You have to become discontented with your discontent to want to make any change. Too many people settle, find little joys where they can and are content to live that way. don't be one of those people! I was...Not any more!

"The principle of life is that life responds by corresponding, Your life becomes the thing you have decided it should be."

Thursday, November 26, 2009

We Get Far More...

"In ordinary life we hardly realize that we receive far more than we give, and that it is only with gratitude that life becomes rich."~Dietrich Bonhoeffer

We do get so much more than we give...Especially as Americans, we have been blessed. The problem is that other than at Thanksgiving, we are not grateful as we should be.

Thanksgiving should be a daily process, not just one day on the calendar. Imagine what our country would look like if they were thankful for what we had as opposed to ungrateful because of what we don't have. Our society says that to be happy, you have to have the next wiz-bang technology, or the latest car, or the biggest house on the block.

Lose that thinking.

I'm grateful and thankful for everything that I have, especially friends, new and old, who make a difference in my life. You make a difference in my life and I thank you for it.

Play or watch football, eat until your stuffed but remember to be thankful for everything.

"In ordinary life we hardly realize that we receive far more than we give, and that it is only with gratitude that life becomes rich."

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Want More? Be Thankful!

“There is no better opportunity to receive more than to be thankful for what you already have. Thanksgiving opens the windows of opportunity for ideas to flow your way.”~Jim Rohn

Our consumer society focuses our thinking on the wrong things. Instead of helping us focus on what we already have, it makes us focus on what we don't yet have...Think about it Very rarely does it allow us to think about ALL we have, especially here in America.

We are constantly bombarded with commercials of things that "we just can't live without." Things that will make our lives so much better, so much easier, make us so much cooler, hiper...

What would happen if for 1 day, every advertisement that was run on TV, radio, in newspapers, online, everywhere said "You already have enough, be thankful for what you have?" Wow, would that throw people for a loop!?!

We already do have everything we need...Our challenge is our wants. Deal with your wants as most of your needs have already been taken care of. We are so fortunate to live in America. Never forget that. Never.

Want more? Be thankful more often.

“There is no better opportunity to receive more than to be thankful for what you already have. Thanksgiving opens the windows of opportunity for ideas to flow your way.”

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Are YouThankful For Your Friends?

“I awoke this morning with a devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and the new.”~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Are you really thankful for your friends? Both new and old? Really? In our whiz-bang, technologically happy society, its really easy to send an email or a text and think that we are making a difference in the world...Why not just pick up the phone and talk to someone?

Think about how our society has progressed. In the early years, if you had never met someone, it wouldn't be until you did that you could create a relationship...The the telegraph came and then the telephone. You could talk to people and never have to meet them...Now we have Facebook and Twitter and we can have all kinds of "Friends" that we have never met!!

I'd like to add to Emerson's quote..."the old and the new and those soon to be." Our society is going back to where we were a fifty years ago, where relationships MATTERED! We kind of got away from that, but we realize now that "it's not what you know, but who you know and even more importantly, who knows you!

“I awoke this morning with a devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and the new.”

Monday, November 23, 2009

What Are You Selling?

"We are our most important product."~George Foreman

Listen to the man who has sold over 150 million products since leaving the pugilism ring. Do you realize that you must always sell yourself before you sell your product or service?

How do you sell yourself?

Our economy, while becoming more technically advanced is moving back to a relationship economy. It used to be the best whiz-bang thing won, now people want to know more about who is selling them the stuff, want to know more about how you do, what you do and if you are worthy of their business.

Have you thought about that lately? I hope so, because if you haven't then the "economy" is going to be getting you down. A shift is happening and you need to be aware of it or it will pass you by and without knowing it, you'll blame the economy for your lack of success...And not know the real problem with your business.

"People don't care about what you know, until the know how much you care." It's an old saying that is coming back into vogue. Start caring about your customers. Start building those relationships. Start by selling yourself.

"We are our most important product."

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Are You Thankful?

"A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but parent of all other virtues"~Cicero

Are you thankful? Why?? or Why not? How often are you thankful?

We forget in our "microwave society" to be thankful because we are so busy. Then the holidays come around and we put our 'thankfulness' mask on and we remember that this is the way we should always be. Or maybe we really are thankful and it's not just a mask, but after the holidays, we slip back into our regular thought patterns...

Cicero, 2200 years ago laid it out for us. Not only "the greatest virtue, but parent of all others!"

Do your other virtues grow from thankfulness? They should. He is saying that we can have no other virtues unless we first have thankfulness.

For those of us who live in the United States, we forget how great we have it here. We are in the top 3% for income and possessions. Even those who don't have a lot, or have lost a job, even the homeless are better off than 97% of the rest of the world! If that isn't enough to make you thankful, you need to have your head a witch doctor in Africa!

Take some time this week and write down all the things that you are thankful for, especially those things that we take for granted...Like running water and indoor plumbing, like a roof over our heads, like transportation (even if its not a BMW or Mercedes).

"A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but parent of all other virtues"

Friday, November 20, 2009

Be Yourself

"Being yourself lets you operate out of your strengths."~Chris Widener

Who are you?
This is a question I ask everybody when I'm networking. I usually get and answer that sounds like this, "I'm a banker, I'm a mortgage broker, I'm a SEO specialist... I have to stop them and say "that's what you DO, I asked, WHO are you." Then I get a blank stare. Sometimes they are quick enough to come up with something. but most of the time, people can't tell me who they are. That's a sad story about our culture today, we've lost who we are and we're all just playing roles..."all the world's a stage..."


People say to me "what if people won't like the real me?" How do you really know that they like you now? If you are on the stage, what's to say they aren't on the same stage. Maybe they're just acting like the like you now...

If you are not being authentic, you are giving away your strength and power. Are you operating out of your strengths? Why not?

"It's far better to be a first-rate version of yourself, than a second-rate version on someone else."

Be authentic be who YOU are. Just YOU.

"Being yourself lets you operate out of your strengths."

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Limited Targets

Do you have too many targets? Why is it that we are always chasing after the big "new" thing? What is it that your business really does? Are you doing it or are you chasing all these other targets thinking that will work for you?

What do your clients really want from you? Are you giving it to them? Really?

Think about how much power your life would have if you just concentrated all your energies on a few things, instead of trying to do 100 things at the same time and feeling proud of ourselves that we are great "multi-taskers." (See previous post on multi-tasking)

How good could you become concentrating all your energies on a few things? How many more people could you serve? What would it add to your life?

Something to think about...

"Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all your energies on a limited set of targets."

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Success That Doesn't Matter

"Our greatest fear shouldn't be failure, it should be succeeding at something that doesn't matter."~D. L. Moody

Are you succeeding at something that doesn't matter? Are you succeeding? Does it matter? To whom does it matter? Why does it matter?

Wow, what a thought. When was the last time that you gave it any attention, to see if what you were working towards really mattered?

We need to constantly analyze what we are working towards and see if it matters, to whom it matters and why it matters. After you have answered those questions, the and only then can you make the determination that the success you are working towards matters.

To be able to answer those questions, you must be able to answer the most important question that there is...Who are you? When you can answer that question, then everything else falls into place.

"Our greatest fear shouldn't be failure, it should be succeeding at something that doesn't matter."

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Undiscerning Mind

"The undiscerning mind is like a root of a tree-it absorbs equally all that it touches-even the poison that would kill it.”~Master Po, from Kung Fu

Your associations are the most important part of your life and business. Do you constantly evaluate them? Why not? Those associations are influencing you whether you know it or not. Are they influencing you for the better or for worse...

Here are some questions to ask yourself about your associations:
1. Who are you around?
You've got to evaluate everybody that you are around and their influence on you.

2. What are these associations doing to me or for me?
Are you listening to them? What do they have you thinking about yourself? How are you talking when you are around them? How do they make me feel?

3. Is that ok?
Maybe everyone you associate with is lifting you up, only concerned about your highest good, only looking out for your best interests. If so, that's great. Congratulations in picking the best associations, then again there might be some bad apples in that bunch. Take the time to take a second look at your associations.

It's really easy to dismiss the influence of others in our lives. Everything matters! You've got to keep checking to make sure the associations that you allow yourself to have are positive and uplifting for you.

"The undiscerning mind is like a root of a tree-it absorbs equally all that it touches-even the poison that would kill it.”

Monday, November 16, 2009

Just Getting Started

"There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning."~Louis L'Amour

Wow, how many times has that happened to you? Just when you think that you've done everything, you realize that there is so much more to do...What happens then? Do you continue on "doing it" or do you quit? Once the initial passion wears off, can you keep going?

Most people fly out of the gates on a new project but hit a wall when the excitement and enthusiasm starts to ebb. Is that you? Can you relate? Are you a starter or a finisher?

Starters usually need someone to help them finish, while finishers usually need someone to get them going. Where do you fit in? There are a few people who both start and finish and they are the ones we call "successful."

It's usually easier to be a starter than a finisher. A finisher needs to have the ability to work through long stretches of drudgery and do the work that needs to be done, but isn't as fun.

Here's the key: Figure out which one you are and align yourself with someone who has the opposite talent. Or find a group of people who can help you do the part where you struggle.

"There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning."

Sunday, November 15, 2009

New Thoughts

Are you thinking new things? Research says no. They've found that 85% of the thoughts that you think today, were the thoughts that you thought yesterday...Wow, talk about being stuck in "Groundhog Day!"

At least Bill Murray realized it and took advantage of his situation in the movie, do you realize it? Do you see how your thought patterns repeat over and over?

And now for the really bad part...80% of those repeated thoughts are NEGATIVE! And you wondered why it was so difficult to maintain a positive attitude. Make a change today and think wildly outrageous thoughts, thoughts you never would have imagined, thoughts that challenge your way of thinking and beliefs. I challenge you to try...

If you are wanting to create big life changes, you will have to start with your thoughts. Everything starts with a thought, nothing can happen without thought. Think about it.

"Thinking brand new thoughts that you've never thought before is wildly more conducive to creating big life changes than just thinking different varieties of the same old thoughts."

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Your Full Attention

"Anything worth doing is worth your full attention."~Michael Masterson

Do you multitask? Why?? It just takes you longer to do the things you are doing. Think about it.

In our "microwave" society, we put value on being able to do 100 things at the same time, but doesn't that just take away from each individual thing that we do? Doesn't it just let us get away with doing the work half-ass? Are you really giving each of those 100 things your FULL attention?

I say no, and it is doing harm to you and everyone who tries to multitask and even the people who we are multitasking for. We have become a society of "average is good enough." We have become a society that doesn't celebrate excellence but only quantity.

Part of the problem is also that we have lost the understanding of what is worth doing. Most high school students now say that what is important to them is "getting rich." Wow, have we lost our way or what?

Think about it, are the things that you are doing worth your full attention, or can you just do them and get by without a lot of thought...

"Anything worth doing is worth your full attention."

Friday, November 13, 2009

What Have You Committed To?

"How am I going to live today in order to create the tomorrow that I've committed to?"~Anthony Robbins

Great question! Does that change your thinking? What have you committed to for your future?

See, we often make these commitments to ourselves and then continue living life the old way, without changing how we live. "If you keep doing the same thing, you're going to get the same result," so something needs to change. What needs to change in order for you to create the tomorrow that you've committed to?

If you've committed to losing weight or eating healthy but don't change your habits, you've not made a commitment, you've made a wish. You can make all the wishes you want but the big genie in the sky won't make you skinnier or eat better without action from YOU!

Are you making commitments or wishes? Who's holding you accountable?

"How am I going to live today in order to create the tomorrow that I've committed to?"

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Dwelling On Misfortunes?

"The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us."~Voltaire (aka Francois-Marie Arouet)

Are you dwelling on misfortunes? Why? You can create a new life right this very minute. You just have to let go of your past. That means really letting go, really.

"You can't change the past, but you can start now and create a new future." You can also "reframe" the past so that you can deal with it better and let it go. I'm dealing with that right now and although it isn't easy, I am moving forward to creating a new future.

Most people are getting some benefit out of holding on to their past misfortunes, whether it's sympathy, empathy or some other benefit, why are you holding on to those misfortunes. The longer that we hold on to these thoughts, the greater their power to harm us is.

Someone who I consider a mentor said this this morning
"Don't "catastrophize"—exaggerate negative consequences of an event. Keep perspective." That was Alan Weiss. Too often we "Catastrophize" our past events. Wow, is that powerful or what???

"The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us."

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Everything You Do Matters

"Every single thing you do matters. You have been created as one of a kind. You have been created to make a difference. You have within you the power to change the world."~Andy Andrews

Do you realize this? EVERY SINGLE THING YOU DO MATTERS. There are no throw-away moments, no moments of it's not important what I do or think about, no moments that it doesn't matter what you do.

Think about that today. There are no throw-away moments...

How often do you allow yourself to have those throw-away moments? All the time, often, sometimes, never? Think about your day yesterday, how many throw=away moments did you allow yourself to have? Why?

You have been created to be one of a kind! There's no one else in the world that is like you! Fearlessly be yourself. The world gets nothing from you playing small...

You have been created to make a difference. Are you making a difference? Really? Or is that your ego saying that you make a difference?

You have the power to change the world. "He who would change the world, must change himself first." Are you ready for that change or have you made that change already???

"Every single thing you do matters. You have been created as one of a kind. You have been created to make a difference. You have within you the power to change the world."

Monday, November 9, 2009

Are You Truly Living?

"Every man dies. Not every man truly lives."~Braveheart

Are you truly living or just existing? Why?

Most people aren't living, they are existing, just getting by with little hope of anything more in their lives. Don't let that be YOU.

Truly live, experience, learn, feel, LIVE-today. Don't feel like Henry David Thoreau who feared that he might die and "Discover that he never truly lived." LIVE!

Jonathan Swift said "May you live every day of your life." Wow, can you imagine what the world would be like if everyone lived every day of their life? How would your life change if you truly lived every day? Think about that for a while.

"Every man dies. Not every man truly lives."

Saturday, November 7, 2009

What Actions Are You Taking?

"Everything that you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it."~Jack Canfield

What actions are you taking? Are they working for you or are you doing them because you have always done them??? How are you measuring your actions and their effectiveness? ARE YOU ASKING FOR EVERYTHING YOU WANT or do you feel unworthy of getting what you want?

Everything you want is waiting for you to ask! How powerful is that statement? It's just waiting for you to ask, and as long as you take action. Everything you want also wants you. Really, can that be true? Sometimes I wonder...

Lots of people have seen "The Secret" and wonder why it doesn't work for them. The reason is, the movie only briefly touched on the fact that actions must be taken. You can't just ask, you have to take action to get what you want.

Are you attracting what you want by your thoughts AND ACTIONS? Or just trying to do it with your thoughts? Thinking is great, but without action, nothing happens. There's a famous quote out there that says "Knowledge is power." It's wrong. "Applied Knowledge is power."

Start applying your knowledge. NOW!

"Everything that you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it."

Friday, November 6, 2009

Are You Creating Your Own Legend?

"You are the storyteller of your life and you can create the legend or not."~Isabel Allende

Are you creating your own legend? Why not? What's holding you back? You ARE the storyteller of your life, not any one else. Create you own legend and live it! Too many people think that their lives are laid out for them and they can't change them. It's their fate...WRONG!

"The world is full of abundance and opportunity but far too many people come with a sieve instead of a tank car." Why? We are here to create everything we have ever wanted, why limit yourself to only what you think that you can get? Who told you that story and why do you believe it?

Create you own story, starting today! You get to decide, you get to choose, you get to pick. Don't allow your life to be led and lived for others. You can live your life with the goal of helping others, but don't live it FOR others. Live for YOU! Expect more and you will get more. Expect little and that's what you will get.

"You are the storyteller of your life and you can create the legend or not."

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Are We The Fantasy Nation?

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."~Albert Einstein

Wow, even back then, Albert got it! Think about our society today and how many ways we have done this...

Our government schools train people to be factory workers, robots, all with the same viewpoint. "When everybody is thinking the same thing, no one is thinking." Yet that is the way we are teaching children today, still. We stifle creativity out of kids, make them sit still and memorize answers so they can pass a test that tells us how "smart" they are.

Think about that for a while...

Our society celebrates celebrities simply for being a celebrity. I mean really, how has Paris Hilton affected your life? Really? What about Perez Hilton? Why is this guy a celebrity? What about all these "reality shows?" Reality??? They are the farthest thing from reality!

Maybe we've become the "Fantasy Nation." Remember Fantasy Island with Ricardo Montolban and Herve Velasquez? We've become Fantasy Island on steroids, we are the Fantasy Nation.

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Are You Synergistic?

"Synergy is the highest activity of life; it creates new untapped alternatives; it values and exploits the mental, emotional, and psychological differences between people."~Stephen Covey

Are you synergistic? Are you using the highest activity in life? Why not? It's all about relationships and nothing else. Do you realize that?

Are you searching for untapped alternatives? Do you realize that they are only and relationship away? All the searching that you've done...only a relationship away. What a great thought! Everything that you have ever wanted is only a relationship away.

Warren Buffett has said that "Everything is relationships." If it works for him, it should work for the rest of us, don't you think?

Make it a goal for you everyday to meet 1 new person. You can do that. 1 new person. That would mean that over the course of a year, you will have met 365 new people. How will that impact your life? What do you think about that?

"Synergy is the highest activity of life; it creates new untapped alternatives; it values and exploits the mental, emotional, and psychological differences between people."

Monday, November 2, 2009

Are You Taking Short Cuts?

"It takes a long time to bring excellence to maturity."~Publilius Syrus

Are you trying to bring excellence to maturity too quickly? Taking short cuts? Don't.

You need to experience things before they can become part of your learning. In today's microwave society, the "I want it now" crowd may get to where they want, but they won't be able to stay there long...

"Amateurs do it until they get it right, while professionals do it until they can't do it wrong."

What a great thought! Don't just work on it until you do it right, but work on it until you can't do it wrong. Are you doing that? Are your skills honed so well that you can't do them wrong? Why not? We are taught to do something until we get it right, not to work on it until we can't get it wrong.

Think about how things would change in your life if you worked on them until you couldn't do them wrong...and go out there today and work on those things that you can until you can't do them wrong.

"It takes a long time to bring excellence to maturity."

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Do You Take Responsibility?

"Action springs not from thought but from a readiness for responsibility."~Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Are you ready for the responsibility that will be required with the action you want to take?

Is that holding you back? Why? There are consequences to every action we take and we must be ready to take the responsibility for those actions. Our current society will allow us to shirk that responsibility. You bought a house you can't afford? That's ok. You've spent more money than you make? That's alright.

Maybe the quote should read "Correct action springs from a readiness for responsibility."

This wasn't as big a problem in the early 19th century. It was an understood value. We seem to have lost that value today.

Are you ready for the responsibility that will be required with the action you want to take?

"Action springs not from thought but from a readiness for responsibility."

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Scared of Heights?

"Never measure the height of the mountain until you are at the top. Then you will see how low it really was."~Dag Hammarskjold

Are you letting the height of the mountain hold you back? Why?

Are you afraid of starting what you are want to do but are being held back by the size of the mountain? Why? It is just a story that you are telling yourself, that it's too big, that you can't do it. You know that when you tell yourself those stories, you make them come true.

Start telling yourself NEW stories! Create the future that you want by creating the stories that show you doing and achieving everything that you ever wanted do achieve. When you create the stories that you want and now the ones other people have told you, you can do anything!

When was the last time you told yourself that you couldn't do something? Why? What led you to that story? Re-examine your thought process and you will find out why you thought that.

Henry Ford said "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."

Think about that for a while.

"Never measure the height of the mountain until you are at the top. Then you will see how low it really was."

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Are You A Prisoner?

"Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own mind."~Franklin D. Roosevelt

Are you a prisoner of your own mind? Do you believe the stories that you mind is telling you? Why? Do you believe that those stories are 'truth.?' How come? Because you been told so?

Your mind is while the greatest computer you will ever use but is limited because you limit it! Do you realize that you are the only one holding you back? No one else is. Not your boss, your family, your friends. YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE HOLDING YOU BACK!

Break out of you own mind. Start asking yourself questions about everything that you think. Challenge yourself on what you are thinking, why you do the things you do and why you think the things that you think.

Allow the questioning to let you see with new eyes.

"Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own mind."

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What Are You Waiting For?

"If not now, when?"~Hillel

What are you waiting for? Everything to be just right? Till all the ducks are lined up? Till the cows come home? Are you waiting for perfection?


Everything will not ever be 'just right.' The ducks will never all get line up. The cows might come home...Do it anyway! There is boldness in action. Start now, stop waiting.

"It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you could only do a little. Do what you can."~Sydney Smith

Do what you can. When? Right now!

"If not now, when?"

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Be Present Now

"Yesterday is a canceled check, tomorrow is a promissory note; today is the only cash you have-so spend it wisely."~Kay Lyon

Be here NOW. Be present in this moment. Stop worrying about yesterday, you can't do anything about it. Don't concern yourself with worries about tomorrow. Be here NOW.

That wise philosopher of the 21st century, Jim Carrey, said "If you aren't in the moment, you're either looking forward to uncertainty or back to pain and regret."

Are you looking forward to uncertainty or back to pain and regret? Why? What good does it do you? do you feel better when you do that? Or is it like hitting your head against the wall so that you feel better when you stop???

The more you are present, the more the world will open up to you. Be here NOW.

"Yesterday is a canceled check, tomorrow is a promissory note; today is the only cash you have-so spend it wisely."

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Person You'd Like to Be?

"How would the person I'd like to be... do the things I'm about to do?"~Jim Cathcart

How would that thought change your actions? Ever had that thought? Why not?

Who is the person you would like to be, or are you perfect the way that you are? What would you do differently? Would you be kinder, more thoughtful, listen better,work harder, what???

I would hope that we all are striving to improve on who we are, but my guess is that we have become to busy with trying to get stuff that we haven't spent enough time working on who we are.

I ask everybody I meet at events "Who are you?" Most people start telling me what they do and I have to stop them and say 'that's what you do, but who are you' and they are stumped. Have we moved that far away from who we are that that we can't tell others?

Find out who you are, so when I ask you, you will be able to tell me, with confidence, who you are or who you are striving to be.

"How would the person I'd like to be... do the things I'm about to do?"

Sunday, October 25, 2009

There Is No Tomorrow

"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero." Means "Seize the day, put no trust in the morrow."~Horace

We've all heard "Seize the day," but most people don't include the rest...which might be even more important. For several reasons.

"Put no trust in the morrow." Here's the deal. Tomorrow is promised to no one! But most of the time, we proceed as if we are going to live forever and never think about it. There's another quote that says "Put off until tomorrow only what you want to leave unfinished if you die tonight." (Or something like that) We are mortal beings and we can go at any time. Kind of makes you at some things differently, doesn't it.

"Seize the day." Be present now. Be in the moment, only in this moment and your world will expand exponentially. Most of us find it difficult to be in the moment, we are either thinking about what has already happened (and we can't do anything out) or thinking about what's to come (which we can only prepare for). When you are in the moment, you are truly living.

"Seize the day, put no trust in the morrow."

Saturday, October 24, 2009

What Are You Investing In?

"An Investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."~Benjamin Franklin

Are you investing in knowledge, in yourself, in learning, in being better? Why not?

In this new economy, your investments should be in creating a better you, a better business person, a better person, in becoming the best that you can be!

Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with excellence!

If you aren't doing excellent work yet, get someone to help you. Learn. Invest om yourself! Be a beginner again and start from scratch. Don't use those deadly words "I already know that." Clear you mind of what you know (or what you think you know) and let everything be new to you again.

Too many people shut off their learning when they get out of school (and some even before they get out of school). Don't allow that to be you. If it has been you, start NOW, change your thinking NOW. Realize that life expands with learning. Allow it to happen NOW.

"An Investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."

Friday, October 23, 2009

I Give You Permission

"We need to give ourselves permission to act out our dreams."

Do it now. give yourself permission! What are you waiting for?
OK, I give you permission to act out your dreams!

Too many people today have given up on their dreams because of: "The economy," parents and well-meaning friends, "I need insurance." "I have responsibilities," or many other bogus reasons!

Have you given up on your dream? Why? Are you saving it for another day? Again, why? Are you waiting until everything is "just right?" I hate to disappoint you, but "things" will never be "just right."

Victor Hugo said "There is nothing like a dream to create the future."

Create your future, NOW. You have been given permission. What are you waiting for?

"We need to give ourselves permission to act out our dreams."

Thursday, October 22, 2009

What Are You Putting In?

"It is not the hours we put in the job, it is what we put into the hours that count."~Sidney Madwed

What are you putting into your hours? Is it 100% or less? Why?

John Wooden said that "If you give 60% today, you can't give 140% tomorrow to make up for it." There's a misconception that we can give more than 100% You can't! In fact, most people who are told that they are giving more than 100% are most likely giving 95% because you can't give more than everything you have.

Think about your average day. How much are you giving? 60%? 70%? 90%? Are you really or are you just fooling yourself. Here's an example. The 2 days before you go on vacation, you work really hard to get things done. You might even be working at 90%. Why did it take you that long to work that hard?

Challenge yourself to every day, give as much as you can. Your life will change for the better.

"It is not the hours we put in the job, it is what we put into the hours that count."

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What's More Painful?

"And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."~Anias Nin

Are you there yet? Are you ready to blossom? Why not? What is holding you back? Is the risk of not growing getting to painful yet? See, we all have our ruts (graves) that have become comfortable and yet we know that we need to grow. When will the pain be bad enough to allow you to get our of your rut?

Is fear holding you back? What other people might think or say? What is keeping you from your growth? Take some time and analyze your situation and see what is keeping you from growing,

What the caterpillar calls death, the butterfly calls life. Are you ready to become your butterfly or will you die as a caterpillar.

"And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Are You in a Grave?

"A rut is only a grave with the ends kicked out."~Earl Nightingale

Are you living in a grave (you might call it a rut)? Why? You get to choose how to live and if you want to stay in that grave or create a new place to be. If you chosen the comfortable, the easy way, you might be in a grave now.

You are in charge of every choice you make. No one else has that power. If you feel that you don't have this power, then you have given away your power to someone else. If that's the case, take it back now! Choose to break out of your grave and start living again.

Ralph Waldo Emerson asks a great question, "Why should my happiness depend on thoughts going on in someone else's head?" Think about that for a while...

"A rut is only a grave with the ends kicked out."

Monday, October 19, 2009

Are You Being Yourself?

"There is only one of you for all time. Fearlessly be yourself."~Anthony Rapp

Are you fearlessly being yourself, or are you playing someone else on this stage that is called life? Who are you playing and why? Is it because it's what your parents told you, or what a teacher told you, or maybe what a friend suggested you become? If you are not being yourself, who are you being?

"Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you."

Fearlessly be yourself! And if you don't know who that is, find out. Spend some time contemplating what drives you and what makes you feel the most authentic. When do you get the feeling that you are the person who you always wanted to be? Search for that feeling and when you find it, hold on to it with all your heart.

"There is only one of you for all time. Fearlessly be yourself."

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Are Going At It Alone?

"No one can whistle a symphony. It takes an orchestra to play it."~H. E. Luccock

Are you trying to create a symphony all by yourself? Being the lone entrepreneur, not needing anyone's help? Guess what? No one has ever made it on their own! We all need other people and we need their help.

Look at all successful people and you will see a whole team of other individuals that worked on the success of that one individual. Who is on your team? Who is working to make you a success? Why are they helping you? Why aren't others helping you?

This "New Economy" requires that we spend even more time on those relationships where we can help others succeed and they can help us succeed. Are you spending the time doing that? Why not? Are you doing what you have always done? How's that working for you?

Find those people who are working towards your success and let them know that you appreciate them and how important they are to you. I have a whole list of people and I'm sure that you do to.

"No one can whistle a symphony. It takes an orchestra to play it."

Friday, October 16, 2009

Are You Less Than You Could Be?

"If you deliberately plan on being less than you are capable of being, then I must warn you that you'll be unhappy for the rest of your life."~Abraham Maslow

Are you planning on only accepting a little of life? Why? We were made for abundance. I don't think that most people plan on being less than they can be, but have the desire to be all they can be driven out of them. By well-meaning teachers, parents and friends...

How can you reclaim the feeling of becoming capable of doing anything? Confidence, belief in yourself and knowledge that there are no accidents or coincidences. There's a reason that you are where you are right now. It could be to help someone else out, it could be because you have something to learn, but there is a reason why we are all where we are.

"Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you."

Play BIG. GO FOR EVERYTHING YOU CAN GET! Don't allow how others feel about you to diminish who you are.

"If you deliberately plan on being less than you are capable of being, then I must warn you that you'll be unhappy for the rest of your life."

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How are you using Time?

“One of the best uses of your time is to increase your competence in your key areas.”~Brian Tracy

Are you using your time to increase your competency? Why not? Are you satisfied with where you are now? Doing just enough to get by? When was the last time you worked on your core competences?

In today's microwave society, it's really easy to get caught up in doing just enough to get by. Are you just getting by or are you striving to thrive?

Work on your competences. There's another quote that really hit it home: "Amateurs practice till they get it right, while professionals practice until they can't do it wrong."

Keep doing it until you can't do it wrong.

“One of the best uses of your time is to increase your competence in your key areas.”

Monday, October 12, 2009

Are You Great or Just Good?

"Good is the enemy of great."~Jim Collins

What is the path to greatness? When you think that you're finished, keep on going!

Are you settling for doing just enough? How's that working for you? Don't settle, get excited about the opportunity to do more. How would it impact your business and clients if you were truly excited about the opportunity to do more for them? And DID IT?

Remember, "The place for the things that you want is currently occupied by what you have settled for." Is it time to stop settling? Is it time to start clearing out what you've settled for and grab what you want?

Practice thinking with no limits and you will find yourself living with no limits. Wouldn't that be cool? Go beyond what you know you can do and then you'll know that you can do so much, much more.

"Good is the enemy of great."