Thursday, December 30, 2010

Controlling Your Thoughts

"If we are not responsible for the thoughts that pass our doors, we are at least responsible for those we admit and entertain." ~Charles Newcomb

We cannot control thoughts that just pop into our mind. We can control those thoughts and decide if they are of value and allow them to stay in our minds. The challenge is that it takes discipline to make sure that we only allow the thoughts that will benefit us and block out those that can be negative for us. Metacognition = Thinking about what we think about. It's challenging but you can do it. You just need to practice your thinking. When was the last time you practiced your thinking...thought so.

Henry James said "Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives." This is so true. Realize that the better you get at thinking, the better things will go for you. But it just doesn't happen, you need to work at it. Daily.

Know. Be Known. Make A Difference!

"If we are not responsible for the thoughts that pass our doors, we are at least responsible for those we admit and entertain."

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