Monday, June 17, 2013

Your Attitude Is Your Choice, No One Elses!

"The most important thing I can tell you about attitude is that it is a choice. You can choose to be positive or you can choose to be negative. Nobody can force you to be either one. You are totally in charge of your attitude."~Larry Winget

Your attitude is completely up to you, you did know that, right? If so, have you ever said that you "got up on the wrong side of the bed?" If you are saying that or "I'm having a bad hair day," you are allowing something else to affect your attitude. You are not in charge of your attitude. We don't often think about the things that we say...

How many times have you let something or someone ruin your attitude?  If so, you are not in charge of your attitude.  We react to something someone has said or done rather than responding.  When you react, it's instantaneous.  When you respond, it's measured and calm.  Do you react or respond?

Own the words you speak! Realize that the way you speak affects your daily life. Choose to have a good attitude.  Choose to respond rather than react.   They are of the things that YOU CAN CONTROL. That and your thoughts!

Know. Be Known. Make A Difference!

"The most important thing I can tell you about attitude is that it is a choice. You can choose to be positive or you can choose to be negative. Nobody can force you to be either one. You are totally in charge of your attitude."

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