Tuesday, August 13, 2013


“Want to overcome discouragement? Stop listening to yourself and start talking to yourself.”

Are you listening to yourself and not talking to yourself? It's a real easy trap to fall into. And we often listen ourselves out of opportunities, don't we. Have you named your little voice? Mine is Ziggy, for Sigmund Freud and the comic strip Ziggy. That makes it easy to talk to and make it either stop or at least tone down the noise.

Here's a way to calm your "Ziggy" down or get ti to stop.  After you hear something that doesn't work for you, say "Thanks for sharing, CANCEL!"  Say it out loud, because you need to hear it.

Your brain is NOT your friend. It is designed to keep you safe and to challenge anything new or different. How can you grow unless you try new or different things? You need to constantly ask questions and challenge how you think. Can you do that? It is difficult, but I believe that you can.

Think of your brain as your comfort zone.  Everything you want in life is outside of your comfort zone, so you have to step out, no matter what your brain is telling you.  So everything you want is outside of your brain and because it's new or different, your brain is going to want to keep you safe.

Stop listening to yourself and start talking to yourself. You will be in a better frame of mind and even more productive!

Know. Be Known. Make A Difference!

“Want to overcome discouragement? Stop listening to yourself and start talking to yourself.”

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