Sunday, September 27, 2009

What Are You Expecting?

"We tend to get what we expect."~Norman Vincent Peale

What are you expecting? Good things to happen? Bad things to happen? Nothing to happen?

We don't get what we want or need, we get what we expect. This is so simple to do, but because of that it is also simple NOT to do. Expect good things to happen to you! Most of the time we are too busy to create our expectations and we just go along for the ride. STOP IT! Expect good things to happen to you! TODAY!

When you are on the way to an appointment, what are you expecting? When you are going to a networking event, what are you expecting? Are you expecting good things to happen or are you expecting nothing, so that when nothing happens, you aren't disappointed?

Isn't it interesting that when we lower our expectations, they are met? What if you raised your expectations, what would happen then???

"We tend to get what we expect."

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