Friday, January 29, 2010

Remind Yourself Why

"If you're not making much progress, it's time to give yourself a boost. Remind yourself why."~Ralph Marston

Remind yourself why you are doing what you are doing. Remind yourself why you selected the priorities that you now follow. Remind yourself why you are where you are.

Perhaps it is time to focus on a new destination. Or perhaps you could simply use a good, clear reminder of what's truly important to you. What IS important to you and Why? When was the last time you thought that?

It can be all too easy to get caught up and dragged down by the day-to-day business of life. To deal with all the crap that comes your way, other people's bad attitudes, mean people and things that cause us to forget WHY. Take time to regularly give yourself the benefit of the big picture.

Take time to treasure the things you treasure. Admire, appreciate and be inspired by all that is beautiful to you. Take the time to be inspired this weekend. Do something that you love to do and haven't done in a while because of dealing with all the stuff thrown at you.

The best of what can be is yours to create and experience. It is your choice to either do it or not. IT IS YOUR CHOICE, NO ONE ELSE'S. Remind yourself why, and make it so.

Know. Be Known. Make A Difference!

"If you're not making much progress, it's time to give yourself a boost. Remind yourself why."

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