Tuesday, March 5, 2013

You Get What You Focus On

"Life's strict rule is this: You get more of what you focus on. Ignoring this, we abandon our healthiest, concentrative energies and court emotional upheaval." ~Marsha Sinetar

What you focus on, you get more of!!! So why are you still focused on the negative, the problem or the challenge? It's because we were programmed that way. You can break out of that programming but it takes time and effort, things that most of us don't want to give. We want to change right now and we don't want to do anything that will require effort on our part. Just give me a pill or something...

I don't think that we ignore this rule, but we sometimes forget and the same problems keep coming back. Your programming controls everything and even when your conscious mind is thinking one thing, your (subconscious) programming is thinking just the opposite. That's why it's so hard to make changes in our life. We think that we can change, but until the programming is changed, nothing happens and we just get upset and give up.

Keep working on your programming. It's the only way to really make any change. Any real changes.

Know. Be Known. Make A Difference!

"Life's strict rule is this: You get more of what you focus on. Ignoring this, we abandon our healthiest, concentrative energies and court emotional upheaval.

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