Monday, April 1, 2013

Planning, Preparation and Practice

"How you run the race-your planning, preparation, practice, and performance-counts for everything. Winning or losing is a byproduct, and aftereffect of that effort." ~John Wooden

How are you running the race? How is your planning, practice and performance? Do you plan daily, weekly, monthly, yearly or do you just do what you've always done and get by doing that?  It is said that those who fail to plan are planning to fail.  Is that you?  Are you practicing your performance? Really? When was the last time you practiced your sales presentation? When?  Remember, practice is not doing it in front of a prospect, it's doing in front of your mirror with your recorder recording it.

See, winning takes place in the preparation, not in the presentation. All those years that Wooden coached UCLA, he never spoke about winning and losing, only about maximizing his players abilities.  He so believed in preparing his players that the first day of practice, he showed his players how to put on their socks so they wouldn't get blisters!  His success proves that the winning is in the preparation.

Getting the sale, the promotion, the job is simply the byproduct of your planning, preparation and practice.  It is the aftereffect of that effort.

So I will ask again, how is your planning, preparation and practice? Stop worrying about making the sale and prepare like a champion for the presentation and you will win as often as Wooden did.

Know. Be Known. Make A Difference!

"How you run the race-your planning, preparation, practice, and performance-counts for everything. Winning or losing is a byproduct, and aftereffect of that effort."

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