Friday, February 26, 2010

Action vs. Inaction

"I never worry about action, but only about inaction." ~Winston Churchill

WOW, think about that! Churchill only worried about INACTION...not ACTION.

Think about the rest of us...what do we worry about? Action, right? We worry that we won't do it well enough, that someone might think we are not smart, that we are silly, that we are not business-like. RIGHT?

How can you change your mindset to worry about inaction instead of action? Are you willing to try? Do you see yourself as unique? If so, then let other people see your uniqueness! Don't wear a mask, let people see who you REALLY are.

What action have you not taken because you were worried about how it would be received? TAKE THAT ACTION NOW!! Worry about the inaction rather than the action.

Go back in history and think about how different the world would be today if Churchill hadn't taken action. Most of Europe would be speaking German today, not the 15 other languages that they do speak now. Who knows if the United States would have been pulled into the war? What if Germany had developed the nuclear bomb?

Never worry about action, but only about inaction.

Know. Be Known. Make A Difference!

"I never worry about action, but only about inaction."

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