Wednesday, February 17, 2010

"You must constantly ask yourself these questions: Who am I around? What are they doing to me? Where do they have me going? What do they have me thinking? And most important, what do they have me becoming? Then ask yourself the BIG question: Is that okay? ~Jim Rohn

Read that again and ask yourself those questions about your associations. Who are you associating with and are they helping you or hindering you? Analyze those associations. Study them and make sure that they are not influencing you in a direction that you may not want to go. See, we won't let someone push us off course with a big push, but we might let little nudges move us in the opposite direction than we want to go.

It is said that your income is the average of your 5 closest associates. Does that inspire you or do you need to find new associates? Are you putting yourself in a position to be learning from others? Or are you just keeping pace, just "trying to make ends meet?"

The greatest gift you can give somebody is YOUR own personal development. Are you giving that gift or are you not working on yourself and keeping the gift? (Now, I konw some of you are saying, "Of course I'm working on myself...but are you really???)

Know. Be Known. Make A Difference!

"You must constantly ask yourself these questions: Who am I around? What are they doing to me? Where do they have me going? What do they have me thinking? And most important, what do they have me becoming? Then ask yourself the BIG question: Is that okay?

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