Monday, February 8, 2010

"Motivation is like food for the brain. You cannot get enough in one sitting. You need to continually snack on it throughout the day.”

Are you getting your fill of motivation? If you went to the "Get Motivated" seminar, that should have kept you motivated for the rest of last week, but as we start a new week, where do you find your motivation?

Instead of junk food, snack on MOTIVATION! Zig Ziglar says that "Motivation doesn't last and neither does bathing, but that's why I recommend it daily." I'm suggesting that you take it a step further and do it hourly, or at least 3 times a day. Could anything stop you if you were filling your head with motivation 3 times a day? I think not!!

Know. Be Known. Make A Difference!

"Motivation is like food for the brain. You cannot get enough in one sitting. You need to continually snack on it throughout the day.”

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