Friday, January 27, 2012

"Our beliefs strongly influence our behavior. They motivate us and shape what we do. Beliefs are our guiding principles, and come from many sources - upbringing, imitation of others, conclusions as a result of past traumas and repetitive experiences." ~Peter Shepherd

What are your beliefs? Really, what are your beliefs? When was the last time that you sat down and thought about them? Have you ever questioned your beliefs? What happened? Was your belief confirmed or was it proved to be false?

Beliefs influence Behavior and Behavior influences Results. How are your beliefs stopping you from getting what you want? Ya, I know, I can hear your mind saying your beliefs are helping you get what you want, right...?? Well if that was the case, you would already have what you wanted, wouldn't you. Time to examine those beliefs again!

Beliefs come from many sources, some good, some not so good. Are you letting a belief that is no longer applicable to you keep you from getting what you want? If so, it's time to re-examine that belief and make sure that it's working FOR you rather than AGAINST you.

So, what are your beliefs? And are they serving you?

Know. Be Known. Make A Difference!

"Our beliefs strongly influence our behavior. They motivate us and shape what we do. Beliefs are our guiding principles, and come from many sources - upbringing, imitation of others, conclusions as a result of past traumas and repetitive experiences."

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