Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Have to or Want to

"It's always so hard when I have to, and so easy when I want to."~Annie Gottlier

What a great quote. Do you realize when you struggle, most of the time it's because you believe that you HAVE to? It may not be there case, but you believe it. Think back to your last struggle. Was it because your didn't want to do it?

How can you change your mind about how you feel? Do you ever think about that? The best way I feel is to have an internal conversation with you nattering nabob of negativity. As you have this conversation, when the negative comes up again, say "Thank you for sharing, but I reject that idea." That's all. the more you tell your subconscious that you acknowledge the feeling but reject the belief, it will become less powerful over you until one day, it will be gone.

What a great thought, all I have to do to make it easy is to want to do it!

"It's always so hard when I have to, and so easy when I want to."

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