Friday, August 14, 2009

Keep Your Power

"When we blame, we give our power away."
~Greg Anderson

Are you giving your power away by blaming? Take responsibility and take back your power!! See how it feels to be in control. Even when things go bad, if you take responsibility and not blame others, the economy, your boss, you will come out on top!

When we blame others, we give our power to whatever or whoever we blame. Why would you do that? We need to realize that people will always look for someone or something to blame when things go wrong. What would happen to all that drama if we just said, "sorry, my fault" and moved on? Think of all the time that would be saved and all the stories that wouldn't have to be told.

When we blame, we are shirking our responsibility. If you want to grow and create your vision, you need to take responsibility by the horns and say "I take responsibility for my own life."

Here's a thought, instead of blaming, why don't you just come up with a solution to whatever problem you were going to blame someone for...Hmmm

"When we blame, we give our power away."

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