Sunday, August 16, 2009


Opportunities multiply when they are seized, they die when neglected."~John Wicker

Do you allow opportunities to multiply by grabbing them when they come along? Or do you let them die because of neglect. You realize that this is the Law of Attraction working? The more opportunities you see, the more that will come to you!

How many times have you had a great idea and when you failed to act on it, it went away or was no longer the idea that you thought about? Even when you're not sure of the action to take to seize the opportunity, the key is to grab it and figure it out. Rather than just think about it TAKE ACTION!

What happens with that neglected idea? Sometimes it goes to someone else who is ready for it, sometimes it languishes a slow death because it knows that the idea is for you, but you won't act on it. Either way, without acting on it, it no longer works for you.

Think about how many times you've let those ideas go...Depressing isn't in? Don't let that continue...

Opportunities multiply when they are seized, they die when neglected."

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