Thursday, December 31, 2009

See Things As They Could Be

“Imagination is seeing things, not as they are, but as they could be. Think about it: Everything that has ever been invented in the history of the world began as an idea in one person’s mind.” ~Mac Anderson

How is your imagination? Really? Are you using it the way it was intended or are you using it the way you were taught?

How often do you allow yourself to think of the way that things could be? As opposed to the way they are now? Do you let that happen or are you too 'realistic?' I once heard Zig Ziglar say that "a realist is really a pessimist in disguise." Think about that. How many times have you had a great or even zany idea and someone close to you said "be realistic" thereby shutting your idea down without a thought...

As we talked about yesterday, everything began as an idea in someone's head. It first needs to be created in our mind before it can be created in the external world.

Tonight as you write out your New Year's Resolutions try seeing things as they could be, not as they are. I think you'll find that seeing things as they could be gives you new insight into who you are and who you could become.

“Imagination is seeing things, not as they are, but as they could be. Think about it: Everything that has ever been invented in the history of the world began as an idea in one person’s mind.”

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